Glenpool Municipal Court in Oklahoma
Glenpool Municipal Court (City Courthouse) in Glenpool, Oklahoma
Courthouse Location & Contact Information
Glenpool Municipal Court (City Courthouse) 14536 S. Elwood Glenpool, OK 74036 (918) 322-5409 | Google Map.
Court Clerk: Wendy Knight City Attorney/Prosecutor: Phil Frazier
- Court Docket. Held at 5:30 p.m. night court. Can appear at 4:30 p.m. before one's 5:30 p.m. court to meet with the prosecutor.
Relevant Statutes for the City of Glenpool, Oklahoma
- | Oklahoma Statutes
- Glenpool Municipal Code
Glenpool Municipal Court Judges
- The Honorable Judge George Miles.
Ex-Glenpool Municipal Court Judges
- Unknown.
Other Courts Relevant to Glenpool, Oklahoma
Glenpool, Oklahoma Attorneys and Lawyers
If you have a case pending in Glenpool Municipal Court or otherwise need an Glenpool , Oklahoma attorney, view EsquireEmpire's Glenpool , Oklahoma Attorney Directory or listing of Lawyers who practice in Glenpool Municipal Court.
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