Sequoyah County District Attorney Office
Sequoyah County District Attorney Office
Contact Information
- Sequoyah County District Attorney Office
Sequoyah County Courthouse 120 East Chickasaw Sallisaw, OK 74955 Telephone: (918) 775-9131 | Google Map
Office Hours
About Sequoyah County District Attorney Office
District Attorney Biography
District Attorney Jerry Moore has lived his entire life in northeastern Oklahoma and has for the last 19 years been a resident of Tahlequah. Mr. Moore is serving in his 16th year at Northeastern State University as an Adjunct Professor teaching a variety of law related subjects. He has been listed in Who’s Who in American Legal Educators and has been recognized for his work in providing instruction as to police report writing for local law enforcement. Moore, who served as Assistant District Attorney, for 10 ½ year is a 1979 graduate of Bartlesville Sooner High School where he participated in men’s basketball and was a conference and regional champion in track and field.
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