Ponca City Municipal Court in Kay County Oklahoma
Ponca City Municipal Court (City Courthouse) in Kay County, Oklahoma
Courthouse Location & Contact Information
Ponca City Municipal Court (City Courthouse) 200 E Oklahoma Ave Ponca City, OK 74601 Telephone: (580) 767-0382 Facsimile: (580) 767-0374 | Google Map
Prosecutor: David Garrison Court Clerk: Denise Rexford
- Arraignment Docket. Held at 5:00 p.m. night court.
Relevant Statutes for the City of Ponca City, Oklahoma
- | Oklahoma Statutes
- Ponca City Municipal Code
Ponca City Municipal Court Judges
- Hon. Judge William E. Kirkpatrick (Municipal Judge)
- Hon. Judge Paige Lee (Juvenile Judge)
Ex Ponca City Municipal Court Judges
- Unknown.
Other Courts Relevant to Ponca City, Oklahoma
Ponca City, Oklahoma Attorneys and Lawyers
If you have a case pending in Ponca City Municipal Court or otherwise need an Ponca City, Oklahoma attorney, view EsquireEmpire's Ponca City, Oklahoma Attorney Directory or listing of Lawyers who practice in Ponca City Municipal Court.
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