Features to Look Out for in a Law Software System

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Features to Look Out for in a Law Software System

Quite akin to other businesses, even law firms make use of an operating system, Internet browsing software and an office client. Law firms also need to use customised software for the effective management of documents, generating statements and tracking billable hours. While a part of it might be familiar to people, a larger section is not aware of the use of such software, leave alone their special features that are especially meant for streamlining the workflow of law firms. These | legal software systems have emerged as a boon for the legal sector. These have been especially designed keeping in mind the requirements of the law firms. The systems comprise features such as:

    • Word Processing:

It is a war of words and most lawyers will agree with the fact. Coming to the technical part, it helps to have a proper word processing program. Several firms have one that is especially designed by | legal software suppliers to meet department specific requirements. These are mostly used for the creation of templates meant for pleadings and letterheads and multiple other legal documents.

    • Document Management:

The next step after document creation is certainly that of document management. Practically all law firms have document management software in place so that all the documents can be indexed easily. This makes it easier to access them, even at a short notice. They may also be indexed by type. In case a solicitor decides to review motions for a specific summary judgment, then they can carry out their search through such motion documents. Documents are also searched with the help of keywords.

    • Docketing:

For every law firm it is necessary to meet deadlines. Comparatively larger law firms have centralised docketing software in place to make a note of crucial dates so that reminders can be set for lawyers. The software locks these important dates and creates a periodic docket calendar. Several companies have created law software programs but it is important to invest in one after carefully examining the fact whether it matches your requirements.

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