Broken Arrow Municipal Court in Tulsa County Oklahoma
Broken Arrow Municipal Court (City Courthouse) in Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Courthouse Location & Contact Information
Broken Arrow Justice Center Broken Arrow Municipal Court (City Courthouse) 2304 S. 1st Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 451-8558
About the Court
Municipal court sessions are held in the Justice Center adjacent to the Police Station. The Court Clerk's office is located there as well. The court clerks do not provide legal advice, but citizens who have questions regarding payment of a fine, traffic ticket, or a court appearance date for a municipal offense, may contact the Court Clerk's office at (918) 451-8558. The current presiding Municipal Court Judge is Steve Edgar. Broken Arrow Municipal Court's jurisdiction includes all traffic and misdemeanor offenses committed in violation of current City ordinances. All felonies committed in Broken Arrow are prosecuted in either Tulsa or Wagoner County District Court. As in all other Oklahoma courts, individuals charged in Broken Arrow Municipal Court have the right to remain silent, the right to confront witnesses against them, the right to retain an attorney, the right to call their own witnesses, and the right to a speedy and impartial trial.
The Broken Arrow Municipal Court has jurisdiction over all traffic and misdemeanor offenses committed in violation of current city ordinances. All felonies and misdemeanors committed in the City of Broken Arrow but outside the parameters of the Broken Arrow City Code are prosecuted in Tulsa or Wagoner County District Courts.
As in all other Oklahoma courts, individuals charged in Broken Arrow Municipal Court have the right to remain silent, the right to confront witnesses against them, the right to retain an attorney and the right to a speedy and impartial trial.
For those appearing in Municipal Court, there is a strict dress code established by the judge. Those failing to meet this dress code will not be allowed in court.
- No shorts
- No cut-off jeans or cut-off slacks
- No jeans or pants with obvious tears or holes
- No dirty or muddy clothing
- No torn or raggedy t-shirts
- No thong-type footwear
- No hats
- No shirts or jackets with abusive or objectionable emblems or wording on them
> Fines and costs are to be paid in full. Credit Cards are accepted, including MasterCard, VISA, Discover and American Express.
Broken Arrow Municipal Court utilizes a variety of dockets to dispose of its cases. These dockets are as follows:
- Traffic Arraignment Docket. All individuals must check in prior to appearing before the judge. At that time, they may discuss a plea agreement with the City Prosecutor. Payment of the citation is generally due on this date. Juveniles must be accompanied by their parents.
- Juvenile Docket: This docket is all juveniles cited for misdemeanor offenses other than traffic violations. Parents or Guardians are required to appear with their children on this docket. Payment of fines on the day of sentencing is generally expected.
- Special Arraignment Docket: This essentially serves as a review docket for all individuals placed on probation. At that time, the defendant is required to pay all fines and costs and show proof that all conditions of probation have been met.
- Class “A” Misdemeanor Docket: This docket essentially functions as an arraignment docket for all Class “A” misdemeanor violations. All individuals must check in prior to appearing before the judge. At that time, they may discuss a plea agreement with the City Prosecutor.
Pay Tickets Online
- Broken Arrow Municipal Court accepts payments for traffic tickets online: | Pay Tickets Online.
Relevant Statutes for the City of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Broken Arrow Municipal Court Judges
- Hon. Steve Edgar
Ex-Broken Arrow Municipal Court Judges
- Unknown.
Other Courts Relevant to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Inola, Oklahoma Attorneys and Lawyers
If you have a case pending in Broken Arrow Municipal Court or otherwise need an Broken Arrow, Oklahoma attorney, view EsquireEmpire's Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Attorney Directory or listing of Lawyers who practice in Broken Arrow Municipal Court.
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