Amy E. Cable Esq McAlester Oklahoma Attorney
Amy E. Cable, Esq.
Contact Information
Amy E. Cable 215 East Choctaw Avenue Suite 110 McAlester, OK 74501 Telephone: (918) 423-4000 Facsimile: (918) 423-4000 Email: [|] Web site:
Attorney Biography
- Background:
- Education:
- Professional Accolades:
Areas of Legal Practice
- Contract Law in Oklahoma
- Corporate and Business Law in Oklahoma
- Estate Planning in Oklahoma
- Financial Institution and Banking in Oklahoma
- Foreclosure in Oklahoma
- General Practice in Oklahoma
- Guardianship in Oklahoma
- Immigration Law in Oklahoma
- International law in Oklahoma
- Oil, Gas and Mineral in Oklahoma
- Personal Injury Law in Oklahoma
- Probate Law in Oklahoma
- Real Estate and Property Law in Oklahoma
- Wills & Trusts in Oklahoma
Courts in which Lawyer Practices
- Coal County District Court - Coal County Courthouse in Coalgate Oklahoma
- Latimer County District Court - Latimer County Courthouse in Wilburton, Oklahoma
- Mcintosh County District Court - Mcintosh County Courthouse in Eufaula, Oklahoma
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